General Home Builder Topics

This new home planning guide is broken into many sections. Each section provides additional information regarding the following general topics:
Choosing a builder:
Every builder you meet will tell you they are a quality, family owned business that has great customer service at a competitive price. So how are you supposed to find the best builder to work with? Building a new home is a partnership between you and the builder. Before you ever talk price with your builder you need to determine if they’re a good fit. I’ll go into detail of the questions to ask and tips for picking the right partner.
We’ll take a look at how to determine the right design for you, photo galleries, floor plan libraries, what makes a great kitchen and bathroom plus a lot more to make sure you have plenty of ideas for your own home.
We’ll help you with criteria to choose the right city, neighborhood and specific homesite to build on.
The 3 costs of your new home are the location/land you choose, the materials/lumber you specify and the installation methods/labor your builder uses to assemble all the materials. Land cost is land cost and there are no variables there. Most lumber and products are priced on a world-wide commodities market so the variance between home builders is typically pennies. Labor, however, has huge variances depending on the skill set of the trades and how the materials are specified to be installed. I’ll go over all of the items you need to be aware of so you don’t end up with shotty workmanship. We’ll discuss design elements that can add dollars to your project too.